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Innovation, precision and reliability – this is what has made Innolume the premier manufacturer of GaAs-based laser diodes covering 780nm-1340nm spectral window since 2005.
DCU is proud to be one of the world’s leading Young Universities, with a mission to transform lives and societies. Through education, research and innovation, we are focused on delivering real impact, and addressing global challenges in collaboration with our partners and stakeholders.
Enlightra develops mass-manufacturable fingertip-size multicolor lasers enabling ultrafast data communication and optical computing while providing up to 10x improvement in energy efficiency and cost reduction.

UNICO has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON-EIC-2023-TRANSITION CHALLENGES programme 
under grant agreement No 101136762. 

© 2023 UNICO. All Rights Reserved

Innolume GmbH
Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 11,
44263 Dortmund | Germany

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